Senior Secondary
All students will study English, Maths, ICT, Civic, French (or another non exam Subject from any of the columns below)
- Science and Maths
- Technology
- Humanities
- Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Further Maths, Physical Education, Agricultural Science,Health Education
- Drawing, Technical Electronic, Home Management, Food and Nutrition, Clothing and Textiles
- Yoruba, English Literature,Geography, Government, Education, History, Arts, Economics, Social Science, Music
Students also need to choose one subject from the following:
- Painting and decorating
- Photography
- Catering and design
- Book Keeping
- Marketing
- Animal Husbandry
The senior secondary school at DTIS is a 3 stage programme beginning with Year 10. It encourages students to use the study skills they have acquired in the junior school to take charge of their own learning in order to prepare them for the life beyond secondary school. The senior school comprises of: ICT lab, Humanities, Mathematics, Languages, Vocational and Science blocks. Senior students follow core subjects leading to their potential qualification. These core subjects are supported by a range of optional and trade subjects. Students are guided and supported in their choices of optional subjects. In the first year of senior school, all students will offer 11 subjects, which include the following compulsory subjects:
- English Language
- Mathematics
- Civic Education
- Economics
- One science subject
Students will choose three subjects from Accounts, Biology, Chemistry, Commerce, CRS, Fine Art, Further Mathematics, Geography, Government, Literature-In-English, Physics and Technical Drawing depending on their desired career pathway. Each student is expected to choose one trade subject from Marketing, Catering Craft Practice, Data Processing, and Painting & Decoration. Each Year 10 students will offer French to provide a broad and balanced curriculum for the ICE award. Senior students are prepared for IGCSE which is written at the end of Year 11 and WASSCE in May/June in Year 12.