Founders Vision

Founders Vision

There are two Educations: "One should teach us How to make a living And the other How to live." - John Adams This beautiful and profound statement encapsulates the value and purpose of Education. Nothing on earth can uplift or free our spirit in quite the same manner as education does.

Not long ago, education merely meant the transfer of knowledge from the teacher to the taught. Today education is much more than that – after all, if it is just knowledge that you are after, there is enough of it on the World Wide Web. But many schools and colleges of today make a difference when it comes to imparting meaningful education.

Divine Touch’s Vocational offerings encompass more than a dozen high-tech career majors in rapidly growing fields. These include Clothing & Textile, Catering Craft Practice, Garment Making, Carpentry and Joinery, Electronics & Electrical Services, Maintenance & Servicing of House hold gadgets such as Tv, Radio, Fan and electronics in general, Early Childhood Education & Teaching, Automotive Technology, Design and Visual Communications.

Our technical programs are constantly being updated to reflect the latest needs of students relative to society demand

Come to DTIS. Come to where mind and matter coalesce into a seamless continuum and turn life into a rich tapestry – one that you, your family and friends, would be proud of. ~~ Mrs. Sarah Ayeni

DTIS...We Stand For Academic Excellence.


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